Sunday 4 October 2009

Script 1
Luke and the Genie for pitch 1

Scene 1: Interior, Barking Abbey School – Classroom
Characters: Luke and the Three Bullies.
The Bullies walk up to Luke while he is in his own world playing his video game. The Bullies show him a lamp and begin to talk about it.

Main Bully – “what are you doing here on your own? look here’s a magical lamp, maybe you can wish yourself some friends.” (laughing and sniggering)

Luke – “Awww thanks guys …( looking fascinated) I’ll take good care of it!” (Luke walks off while bullies laugh)

Scene 2: int. Luke walking into his bedroom

Luke – (talking to the lamp) – he rub’s it “I wish to past my exams”.
(pause – closes his eyes. Luke sees nothing has happened, so he goes to bed.)

Scene 3: Luke and Genie – INT. Morning, Luke wake’s up to see a girl looking over him, he rubs his eyes.

Luke – “who are you”.

Genie – “I’m Genie, you rubbed my lamp” (Luke look’s at the lamp).

Scene 4: INT. Luke and the Genie – walking to his exam.

Luke – “so you heard my wish last night?”

Genie – “yes, but because I’m new it took me awhile to figure out, how to get out… but yes your wish has been granted”

Luke – “so I’m definitely going to ace this test?”

(Genie nods)
“Well in that case- I wish for that girl over there, Cassie, to be my girlfriend”.

GENIE – “I’ll work on that…”

Scene 5– INT. – Classroom – Luke looks at the clock (13.40) while he is doing his exam. Genie appears.

Luke- “what are doing in here?”

Genie – “I’ve come to tell you that your second wish has come true”.

(Whispers) – Teacher walks towards Luke’s desk.

Genie – “so be prepared” – disappears.

Teacher – “who are you talking to?”

Luke – “Err myself”

Teacher -“well talk to yourself outside, you’re disqualified”

Luke looks in shock and walks out angry.

Scene 6 – Luke’s walking outside and the Genie comes.

Luke – “I thought I was supposed to pass this exam? Because of you I’m disqualified.”

Genie – “I’m sorry, I don’t what happened!”

Cassie is walking up to Luke while he argues with the genie.

Luke – (shouts) “No. Go away.”

Cassie – (confused) “well, I came over to talk to you about something but fine if that’s what you want”

Luke – “no not you Cassie” (Cassie walks away. Luke shouts)
“Ah, I wish none of this ever happened”.

Scene 7 – back into the classroom – doing the exam (looks at the clock)

Scene 8 – couple of weeks later – gets his exam results and he passes – with Cassie on his arm. Genie is in a distance smiling.