Monday 14 December 2009

Shot 1: EXT. CU of Lukes feet walking, TRACKING
Shot 2: EXT. CU of Luke playing psp, TRACKING
Shot 3: EXT. MCU of behind Luke, TRACKING
Shot 4: EXT. LS of Luke walking around the corner
Shot 5: EXT. MLS of poster alone at first and then Luke walks into shot and through door
Shot 6: INT. LS of Luke walking down corridor
Shot 7: INT. MLS of Luke walking. He walks out the shot and does a double take
Shot 8: INT. MLS into a MCU - he walks towards camera a step
Shot 9; INT. LS of Luke looking through door
Shot 10: INT. POV. LS of Olivia
Shot 11: INT. LS of Luke at door (brushes himself off)
Shot 12: INT. MS of Luke sitting on stairs playing psp
Shot 13: CU of watch
Shot 14: INT. LS of Olivia coming out of class
Shot 15: INT. MLS of Luke looking and then standing up
Shot 16: INT. MS of Olivia looking at Luke - Oblivious
Shot 17: INT. MS Luke smiles and steps forward
Shot 18: INT. MLS of Olivia turning and walking off

Shot 19: INT. CU of lamp falling on floor
Shot 20: INT. CU of Luke noticing the lamp
Shot 21: INT. CU of Luke reaching out for lamp
Shot 22: INT. MLS of Luke looking at lamp. He then looks up
Shot 23: INT. OTS of Olivia walking far away. Luke hangs his head
Shot 24: INT. MCU "I wish i wasn't such a loser". Luke sits down.
Hear someone say - "Is that an official wish?" He turns his head

Shot 25: INT. TILT of Genie coming down stairs
Shot 26: INT. SIDE. MCU of Luke looking up confused
Shot 27: INT. LS of empty stairs
Shot 28: INT. MCU. 2 SHOT. of Genie saying "Hi im Genie"
Shot 29: INT. MCU of Genie saying "and that's my lamp"
Shot 30: INT. MCU of Luke looking down at lamp and then back up confused

Shot 31: INT. MCU of Genie saying "Im your genie now Luke"
Shot 32: INT. MCU of Luke - "How do you know my name"
Shot 33: INT. LS of Genie getting up [body language shot]
Shot 34: INT. CU of Luke raising his eyebrow
Shot 35: INT. LS/OTS of Genie saying "So why do you think you're such a loser"
Shot 36: INT. MLS. Luke turns around, rolls his eyes and walks off

Shot 37: EXT. LS of Luke walking out of the door
Shot 38: EXT. LS/OTS of Genie running out "Wait wait..."
Shot 39: EXT. MCU of Luke crossing his arms
Shot 40: EXT. MS of Genie clicking fingers and chocolate bar appears
Shot 41: EXT. CU of Luke "Wow..."

Shot 42: EXT. TRACKING. LS. Luke and Genie talking

Shot 43: EXT. MS. Luke-"so after you..." TRACKING
Shot 44: EXT. MS. Genie-"Yeah enough about me..." TRACKING
Shot 45: EXT. MS. Luke-"Well there's this girl..." TRACKING

Shot 46: EXT. LS. Olivia coming out classroom
Shot 47: EXT. LS. Olivia and Luke bump into each other
Shot 48: EXT. CU of books on floor

Shot 49: EXT. MS. Olivia-"urgh!"
Shot 50: EXT. MS. Genie and Luke - Luke bends down to get books
Shot 51: EXT. MS. Luke gives Olivia the books and she walks away
Shot 52: EXT. MS. Genie points at Olivia confused. Luke-"That's her! Thats Olivia..."
Shot 53: EXT. CU. Genie-"That's the girl you like?! Okay well..."
Shot 54: EXT. CU of Luke confused
Shot 56: INT. MS of Luke and Genie
Shot 57: INT. CU of Genie using scissors
Shot 58: INT. CU of Genie shaking bottle
Shot 59: INT. CU of Genie getting out gel
Shot 60: INT. LS. Luke coming out wearing outfit #1
Shot 61: INT. CU of Genie shaking her head
Shot 62: NT. LS. Luke coming out wearing outfit #2
Shot 63: INT. MCU of Genie not sure
Shot 64: INT. MS of Genie looking up and smiling
Shot 65: INT. LS of door opening
Shot 66: INT. TILT of Luke
Shot 67: INT. MLS of Genie and Luke playing psp
Shot 68: INT. CU of psp
Shot 69: INT. MLS of Luke and Genie laughing on bed
Shot 70: INT. CU. Genie-"wow you look great"
Shot 71: INT. SIDE. LS. Luke-"really you think..."
Shot 72: INT. CU. Genie-"She'd be mad not to..."

Shot 73: INT. MS of Genie brushing Luke's shoulders
Shot 74: INT. SLIGHT PAN. LS. Olivia walking past
Shot 75: INT. LS. Luke starting to walk
Shot 76: INT. CU. Genie sad
Shot 77: INT. OTS. Luke approaching Olivia. Luke-"Olivia..."
Shot 78: INT. MCU. Olivia turns around

Shot 79: INT. CU. Luke-"I erm..."
Shot 80: INT. MS. Olivia looks down - "what's that?"
Shot 81: INT. CU of psp
Shot 82: INT. MS. Luke- "it's my psp, you wanna play?"
Shot 83: INT. MS. Olivia-"erm no..."
Shot 84: INT. LS of everyone

Shot 85: INT. MS. Luke-"You know what i gotta..."
Shot 86: INT. CU. Olivia-"erm whatever"
Shot 87: INT. LS. SIDE. Luke-"Genie i'm ready to..."
Shot 88: INT. LS. Genie stands. "Oh are you sure..."
Shot 89: INT. MS. Luke-"No No..."
Shot 90: INT. MCU of Genie ready to make wish- sad

Shot 100: INT. CU of Genie's ear and Luke's mouth. "I wish you weren't a genie..."
Shot 101: INT. CU of Genie looking up at him
Shot 102: INT. CU of Luke smiling

Shot 103: INT. MLS of Luke sitting at desk
Shot 104: INT. TILT of Genie
Shot 105: INT. MS of Genie and Luke sitting together

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