Monday 14 December 2009

final draft

Q4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

During our time of this coursework we became more familiarised with new media technologies which we usually take advantage of. You could say research, planning, production and evaluation is easier and accessible for us to use now because of the way media technology has become converged. We now can take advantage and be more creative as it is available to us. Everything is digital now, portable and media now works together.

Within the research stage we used new media technologies such as Blogs, You tube, mobile phones, Face book. Things such as Face book and mobile phones helped us to get in contact with our group and you tube and the Blog allowed us to research on our film more. We looked at previous blog owners who did media and on You tube, videos on short films. This therefore helped us to develop on our ideas as we could show each other example’s of things that we found. For example when we had to research on the colour gold we used things such as Google and You tube to find poems, pictures and symbols that would relate to gold. This then helped us at a later stage to come up with an idea for our film.

In the planning stage we used media technologies such as slideshows to show different stages of the pitch with the feedback on it. To do this we needed the internet and a user with a website . This allowed us to show developmental stages of our pitch from where we first started before getting feedback, to the last piece of feedback received and our pitch more improved. It made it easier for the group to get and everyone to see, clearly. We also used a digital camera in the planning for our location recce and photo storyboard. Again this allowed us to see a digital development of our film and make us see further and clearer in to our film. Making us imagine it in more depth. We took pictures of the locations needed for our film – and this allowed us to see whether or not this location would work with our film. Therefore, we became more creative as we could see how our film was going to turn our, more or less.

Within the evaluation stage we used our blog, editing software, photo shop software and title making software. We used this in ways to sell and market our film in a more productive, professional way. All these in one way or another helped our film to look the part (editing, titles), to publish our film to an audience (blog) and to promote our film. Again, this works together to distribute our film, just like a big mainstream film would do so.

In conclusion, recent decades have proven that media technology has developed, which has allowed us to make our film look more or less like a independent film.

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