Sunday 13 December 2009

feedback from our media class on the finished film with titles

- the credits/ titles were really good and suited the film perfectly e.g. the colorful fireworks suited the genre of our film.
- the music also suited the film
- music needs to be low when the characters of film are talking
- some parts of the film didn't really need the music u.e. music was on and off - Olivia bumping into Luke.
- a lot of cutaways shots which suited the film.
- the storyline is cute, touched the audience.
- the character Luke is funny.
- The friendship between Luke and Genie was really good and it helped to develop the story.
- The 'Aladdin' theme was established well
- Everyone was very positive towards scene 3 (makeover scene) and the last scene
- The transitions in scene 3 work really well and help to show a change in time etc... and also add a fun, upbeat effect to the sequence
- The end shot is really, really good - created a good reaction - everything tied up nicely

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