Monday 14 December 2009


we got feedback from our class and they suggested these following points:

· the YGZ Productions was in the wrong place (didn't suit where it was positioned). they sugesssted that we put it at the bottom. we came to a conclusion to take it out as it wasn't really needed and it looked much better.

· they liked the sparkles, glitter and the way the smoke comes out the lamp, on the poster and found it really went well with the genre of the film.

· they suggested that we look at other posters from our genre to see what other ideas we could get for our two other posters.

· We need to think about the layout of the "U" and the names at the bottom with the credit block - play around with the postioning or just take out the names of the characters as people felt it wasn't needed and too much was going on on the page.

· to make the dull hair band stand out, why not make it glitery.

· the tagline is a bit too big why not play around with the size.

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