Sunday 13 December 2009


SHORTS- the bright primary colours, red, green and blue show that it's targeted at children. you can see it's very crowed with suggested themes or issues of the film. it also shows the main characters of the film on the front. however with ours it will be very hard to show all the main characters taking place on one film poster, so we might interpret our poster in a different way.

PETER PAN-again this shows the use of crowdedness with sparkles suggesting magic like our film uses, so this could help us and give us ideas in ways to show the genre of our film. it also shows the three main characters. the contrast of dark and light colours also shows that good and evil is involved in this family fantasy.

MATILDA- primary colours like yellow and orange are also used in this poster to suggest it's targeted at the kids therefore making it similar to our target audience. the poisition of characters suggest to me the importance of the characters and that the main character is the girl in the middle as everyone else is surrounding her.

HARRY POTTER-can also relate to our film because of the magic, however dark colours suggest that it is more about dark mysterious magic, where as our film poster would have sommething to do with bright happy colours suggesting happiness and love.

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