Sunday 13 December 2009

Each member in a group were given a role out of:
- Director
- Camera
- Sound
- Continuity/ assistant Director
then we had to a attend a masterclass for our specific role before we could go out and film. my role was Camera.

this masterclass included of how to use the controls on the camera, ways in which to use the camera effectively, and ways in which to hold your camera.

as a camera 'women' i'm the only one who see's the moving image, so i have to help the director direct the cast in which places to stand, and how it looks and so on. so it is vital for me to know what i'm doing and to look and see if things look smooth. In this masterclass we practised hand help camera shots; one where we held the camera with both hand at the bottom of our stomach, another where we held the camera like a handbag, on top of the shoulders and just above the knees with both hands again.

DURING REHEARSALS: you have to guide and follow through scenes with the cast, explaining what the actions they will be doing and where the camera is going to be placed.

DURING SHOOT: remember to look at camera screen , not the live image.
remember to say camera rolling...
make sure that i have my equipment at all times and to check it all before leaving a location.
switch off camera when not in use.
make sure battery is charged before going on set andcheck to see if anything is broken before starting the day, just so you save time.

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