Tuesday 8 December 2009

first draft of q2

Q2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Our finalised film creates the feeling of a real finished product as it has the support of the review and poster. With this support of the texts, it helps to market our film and target our audience.
The film ‘Genie’ on its own without the two ancillary texts would just be moving images and no one would know about the film. Therefore we could say each part of this production supports each other in different ways.

The film itself needs the poster to promote it, as the poster is the first thing our target audience see before anything. Therefore to make it effective we had to make sure we did research on fonts, colours, pictures and layout of a fantasy film so that it delivers the message and genre of our film to our target audience. We decided by the feedback we got from other media students that our fonts had to include of sparkly, informal looking text, bright colours such as orange, gold and pink, a layout which included the title (Genie) coming out of the lamp with the Genie and Luke on the front cover. We also had to consider where to post our poster to target our audience and also having to consider that our film is an independent film, and we suggested places such as the school canteen and after school clubs. In such ways, our film is like Peter Pan, Aladdin, Maltilda, and Wizard of Oz, and the ways in which these films would have been promoted would have been through other films, for example at the beginning of films there are always trailers of films coming out soon. As for ours being independent we would have to do things differently and promote within the school.

Where as the film review allows the audience to give feedback on their opinions, giving information on criticisms to those who have not yet watched it and are considering watching at a later stage (for example on DVD). Our review would be seen in an independent or a dependent film magazine as our film is an independent film but consists of fantasy drama. Doing research on magazines such as the empire and the British film magazine allowed me to fit our film into a category of empire magazine. The way in which our review is effective is that it contains more than one film review as some reviews do and it informs people on what type of film it is and what it insists of. This information allows us to target our audience which is family with young children. Together these work well as it actually informs our target audience on what the film suggests and what it is about through the bright colours, the type of magazine it is in and the opinions of the film.

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