Monday 14 December 2009


Within our groups we were asked to discuss what we plan to do for our film poster...
However we weren't asked to think about who we wanted on the poster or what objects or colours we wanted to include, we were told to consider what themes our film had, feelings we wanted to express and the messages behind it all. So we brainstormed our ideas...

- love
- friendship
- magic
- fantasy

Feelings and emotions we wanted our poster express
- Uplifting
- Easy on the mind
- A young love story
- 'Brightens up the day'
- "Awww"
- Happy film
- Simplistic to an extent - target audience of youngsters

- You don't always get what you think you want
- Be careful what you wish for
- Make your choices wisely
- You can be whoever you want to be

Thursday 5th November - Class discussions

Today we presented our ideas to our class who then gave us feedback on how they pictured our poster and what we could include. Considering they are our audience it was essential that we got their opinions because we need to give them what THEY want. So as each group explained what they wanted their poster to show or express everyone else closed their eyes and imagined the poster in their own way, then afterwards they fed back to the group.
So for our poster we told them what we were trying to achieve and these are the ideas they imagined....

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